Tom’s Tips – Oahu Kayak Tours

May 5, 2017 | Activity Information

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A lot of people prefer snorkeling from a kayak rather than from a boat. I think I might be one of them. There is something perhaps a bit more pure about snorkeling from a kayak. First of all there are no motors to smell or see anywhere in your surroundings. Kayaks are the ‘great green machine’ only powered by oars and muscle. Zero pollution either by noise or otherwise. Secondly, you can paddle right over to, or near, the area you want to snorkel. When you slip into the water, there you are. Third, your paddle into your target snorkel area is somewhat ‘stealth’. You are not causing a ruckus to scare away the sea life. The whole operation seems a bit more peaceful and serene.

My favorite area to kayak in Oahu is off of Kailua Beach about a half an hour away from Waikiki. I think the great appeal for kayaking here for me is that you are not just kayaking over beautiful reefs and seeing amazing sea life but you actually have a destination you are going to, the Mokulua Islands. It is simply fantastic that you can kayak a short one-mile distance off the coast of Oahu and actually land on another island. Granted, it won’t be a large island but it is an island none the less with its own windward cliff side and its leeward beach side as well. In between there are even tide pools large enough for you to swim in and the fact that these islands are also a seabird sanctuary also adds to the charm of the trip. It is also a great experience to be standing on the beach of a remote Mokulua island and be able to stare back at the hub-bub of city life back on Oahu as though you were eaves dropping from outer space. These trips offer great kayaking, great snorkeling and a great time overall.