Going fishing with Kelly and Monroe Bryce was a very pleasurable experience. Instead of trekking out to the deep sea buoys that lie over ten miles off shore they took us down along the South Maui coastline to do some bottom fishing in the relatively calm coastal waters. We trolled on the way out to the fishing grounds and then were briefed on the usage of the equipment. Maui Fun Charters has magnacast reels that were very smooth, tangle free and easy to use. We dropped out baited hooks for most of the morning and pulled up a great deal of Ta’ape and a few Papio. On the way back Kelly cut up the fish and made a bag of filets for everyone that wanted one. When we were done bottom fishing we rigged up the trolling lures and leisurely made our way back to the harbor. The other fisherman on the boat were very nice people, on the way back we exchanged fishing stories with each other as well as recipes that we were going to use on our fish. There were smiles all the way around and a couple of the other fisherman on the boat cracked some beers they had brought with them and kept cold inside of the boats cooler. It turned out to be a great morning.