The Mendes Ranch has been in operation for generations by the Mendes family. The ranch is nestled at the edge of the Waihee Valley on the east side of the West Maui Mountains. The ranch offers horseback rides as a subsidy for the ranching operations that continue there to this day. It is here where you will find some of Mauis most authentic Paniolos (cowboys) as you will soon realize when after checking in you move down to the dining/trophy room that is filled with all sorts of rodeo and hunting trophies. The horses here are well cared for and the scenery is top notch. The route of the horseback ride takes you up to the valley vista and down to the ocean. The ride is suitable for horseback riders of all abilities. The Mendes Ranch can set up beginner riders with very mellow horses or for the advanced riders they have other horses that are more lively and they will even let you run them as you make your way back up from the ocean to the BBQ at the ranch house.