Is it better to tour the NaPali Coast by large boat or by raft?

Aug 29, 2018 | General Information

This is an extremely personal call since each type of boat is very different. Keep in mind that you will be going to see the very same areas but the issue being discussed is simply regarding the type of vessel you will be taking.

In a nutshell: the larger boats are generally more stable in the water and there is plenty of room to get up and walk around. On the other hand the rafting boats or hard bottom inflatables are a much more adventurous option. Typically the rafts will generally be about an hour shorter in all, perhaps 4 hours as adverse to 5 hours in duration.
The following is a list of the types of persons that would find each of the boats appealing:

Large boats……….. Senior citizens, handicapped individuals, people prone to seasickness, people who like to stay out of the sun, people who like to have restrooms on their boat, people who like to get up and stretch their legs, small children, ponies (no. just checking to see if you were paying attention), people not desiring to get wet, people who enjoy sailing on the larger sailboats, people who prefer an onboard buffet, people who like swim platforms and ladders to get on and off the boat, people who like waterslides and people who like to drink alcohol.
Rafting Boats………People who crave excitement, people who like to be closer to the sea life, people who enjoy more intimate group sizes and like to have more access to the captain for questions and conversation, people who are just fine with the restrooms on board being non-existent (boys in the ocean on the left and girls in the ocean on the right), people who don’t have problems with their backs or necks, people who don’t mind the occasional rough seas, and people who feel the need for speed.