So…What’s the Best Time of Year to Catch Fish in Hawaii?

Nov 30, 2021 | General Information

Well this is the question every angler wants to know. As usual, as every fisherman will tell you, your fishing ‘juju’ always depends on the ‘day’ and yes, ‘luck’, ‘karma’ and ‘having your good deeds rewarded’. These all play into the mix of how things turn out at the end of the day. But fishing is a science as well as a skill and knowing the cycles of fish in Hawaii waters is ultimately going to help you with your catch.

Let’s start with this: as an overall rule, summer months are generally the best months for fishing. If you have your heart set on a 1000 pounder, this is the likely time of year you will snag the most coveted catch in Hawaii, the Pacific Blue Marlin. A greater likelihood will be the Ahi or Yellowfin Tuna and Hawaii waters are ripe with catches well over 75 lbs. The other popular fish you will find being freshly served at the local restaurants which also run strong during this season are the Mahi Mahi and the Ono.
Don’t feel too slighted if you arrive in the islands in the fall months as all varieties of Marlin are still plentiful in Hawaiian waters and to a lesser degree, Mahi Mahi and Ahi are still plentiful as well.

As winter season approaches you will see a general trend toward less fish in numbers and also smaller poundage. This of course does not mean that your fishing trip is doomed as many fish are randomly pulled in at this time and don’t forget that “the worst day of fishing is still better than the best day at the office”.
Springtime ushers in the runs of Mahi Mahi which progressively get larger and larger in size as the summer approaches and these can often be caught in great numbers on the same charter.
Don’t forget that, although you won’t be pulling any in with your rod and reel, the winter and early spring months are laden with copious quantities of the Humpback Whales and you will forever be blessed by spending some joyful hours in the waters side by side with these ‘gentle giants’.