The bark of the tree is continuously peeling and continuously changing colors. The bark itself is very smooth like a paper bark tree and it is continuously curling and peeling itself from the trunk. Starting out green before it begins to flake it subtly changes colors to the darker hues before it finally drops off the tree. Because this is happening in many different place on the tree at the same time there is always an abundance of varied color as seen from every angle. Colors range from greens, to blues, purples, reds, browns and yellows.
Like the other Eucalyptus trees that grow in Hawaii these trees can reach height well over 150′ tall. They require a somewhat warm climate and do best where there is lots of water. They are also like the rest of the Eucalyptus family in the sense that they have a shallow root system with most of it spread out just under the surface of the ground and traveling for sometimes dozens and dozens of feet from the trunk itself. Trees like these can pose a danger by falling over in high winds or due to extreme rainfall conditions as their root systems cannot contain or control the weight of a fully developed tree that begins to list.