Best Luaus in Maui
As you probably know, the only place on the planet you can truly attend a luau is in Hawaii, and arguably, the very best luaus to be found in the state are on Maui, so if your going to do a luau, you should do it right here. The other thing that I should mention at this point is that if your going to decide to book a luau on Maui, you should probably consider doing it right now or as soon as you possibly can, long before you actually arrive on vacation, because some of our very best luaus (not all but some of them) actually are sold out weeks and even months in advance. I know it seems incredible, but it is the absolute truth. Even if the luau is not sold out, the sooner we make a booking for you the better the seating arrangement will be for you and your family when you attend. With regard to shows: years ago the only type of real entertainment we had at night were luaus and dinner cruises. Today we have some world class entertainment which holds it own by anybodys standards. Please take a look in this section at the Maui Theaters Ulalena which is a special production only to be found on Maui. Warren and Annabelles Magic Show is also an incredible favorite and if possible should not be missed type of real entertainment we had at night were luaus and dinner cruises. Today we have some world class entertainment which holds it own by anybodys standards. Please take a look in this section at the Maui Theaters Ulalena which is a special production only to be found on Maui. Warren and Annabelles Magic Show is also an incredible favorite and if possible should not be missed.
What does Tom have to say about Luau’s on Maui?

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Here’s some information from Tom that should help you understand a bit more about the Luau’s on Maui.