Tom’s Tips – Hawaii Water Sports

Dec 3, 2019 | Activity Information

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So, here’s an interesting thought. I’ve been perusing our Hawaii Water Sports pages and I am currently seeing that our Maui Water Sports page offers 238 water sports options, our Oahu page 101 options, our Big Island page offers 98 water sports options and our Kauai page 83. What does that say to you? To me it says that there is one h…of a lot of activities available for you to enjoy in the Hawaiian Islands that have to do with water in some way. Just taking a shot here, but I’m guessing that there are not that many options where you are coming from. If we are agreed on that point, then it is time for you to review this section of tours. Water sports play a big part in the recreational activities that are available in the islands and you might want to consider jumping in the water and doing some.