Tom’s Tips – Kauai Hiking Tours

Oct 31, 2020 | Activity Information

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You are really in for a treat if you are looking to do a hiking tour on Kauai. We have some really, really unusual ones that just fit the bill for a number of people. Let’s face it, going out into the jungles of Kauai to seek and find 8 specific rare and beautiful species of birds is not on the menu for most island activities. Neither is a trek out into the Kauai jungles to track Kauai wildlife. You’ll be looking for signs to show where to find various forms of wildlife and track them down. The same could be said of a trip to take you on a plant foraging journey where you will investigate the varied species of plants that can be found in the wilds of Kauai. When was the last time you rappelled down a water fall. That is a hike too! How about a hike through an ancient Hawaiian village along the NaPali Coast that requires you to land at this remote location by coming in on a zodiac raft. Some of the most fun and most unusual hiking tours are available to you on Kauai. Just let us know what you want and we’ll set you up