Tom’s Tips – Maui Air Tours by Airplane

Jan 31, 2022 | Activity Information

In comparison to the helicopter tours, on Maui we have relatively few airplane sightseeing tours. These tours are not always regularly scheduled and many of them could actually be relegated to the category of private charters because they often carry such few passengers.

Some of the tours that will take you to the leper colony of Father Damien on Molokai actually have a destination in mind and all the ‘to and fro’ is air tour sightseeing. These tours by the way are very much in demand but we are not always able to keep up with clients requests as they come in. These are generally reserved for certain days (although we’ve noticed that those days can frequently change on us) and if they have enough passengers to justify a flight monetarily they will proceed. If you are the first two passengers wanting to go, it is often hard to confirm you until others show an interest in the flight so it is not an ideal situation with regard to planning. These are however very rewarding tours and by in large people really enjoy the flights over and the ground tour of the colony on this immensely beautiful location.

Another flight which provides the same ‘M.O’ are the flights we have that provide an approximately 2.5 hour flight from Maui over to see the sights of the volcanic eruptions on the Big Island. These become outlandishly ‘in demand’ at the times when the volcanoes are seriously erupting but in all honesty, they are great for any time because you will have an opportunity to easily see and recognize all the volcanic activity that has recently occurred and its aftermath of devastation. Hot spots, steam, lava tubes, and calderas are all quite visible and these tours will also provide views of both sides of the island of Maui on the way over and back as well as the beautiful Hamakua Coastline of the Big Island on the way over and different locations on the return flight. These also do require a minimum of persons to establish a flight confirmation, usually 6, but that almost always will work out so it is worth putting yourself on a tour in hopes that it will confirm shortly there after.

The small tour planes that will take a maximum of 3 passengers are extremely private in nature. It will include simply your party alone, whether it be just 1, 2 or 3 persons and you will determine the destination. Generally there is already a general notion of the particular areas you will sign up to see but the great thing about these flights is that you can alter the tour ‘on the fly’ so to speak. If you have particular interest in seeing a specific area again for a circle by or if you want to take a more intensive view of something that catches your eye, this might just be the type of flight that will appeal to you.