Tom’s Tips – Maui Zipline Tours

Feb 5, 2019 | Activity Information

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In the course of this century, the Maui Zipline industry has adjusted in its appeal to visitors, probably more than any other category of activity. This makes sense at first blink because the zipline industry really only had its start on Maui, and in Hawaii, and for that matter in the United States, in the early days of this century. Obviously, the notion of change in the industry would go without saying. But the true extent of the change I am referring to is the change that has occurred in the minds of the visitors that come to Maui for their vacations. Where something like ziplining in the nineties would have been viewed as somewhat of a dare-devil sport it has now been accepted in the main stream as a still adventurous activity but one that has been relegated to the likes of one that is ‘doable’ by vast amounts of people. Rarely do we hear any more the shrieks of shock from clients when we ask if they would be interested in fitting a zipline tour into their itinerary. Its not hard to remember not so long ago when it was common for a person who had just realized that they had stepped above their limits, would stand motionless at the top of a zipline run and tearfully refused to take that first step and in fact would beg to be returned to the starting point at the zipline office. The general public has been so changed over the past decades in their belief that they could do this, as well as other adventurous activities, that the market place has expanded to satisfy this raised level of bravery in the body politic by bursting forward with a construction frenzy of new zipline courses. And on Maui we have a variety of courses.

There are currently 10 different zipline courses you could take on Maui, which doesn’t quite rival golf courses at the moment but does come close. And this variety caters to different types of participants interested in different experiences. One might be better suited to a first time zipper, another to a child, another to a person seeking a tree canopy zipline experience, another for a person seeking the ultimate in speed or yet a speed course that would enable a participant to race down to the end in a speed-fest against a friend on a double line, and one might be better suited for that person seeking to go on the longest course in Hawaii. Maui has them all and if you’d like some additional help in sorting them out please contact our store and we will assist you.

Once again, as is true with many of the activities we book on Maui, it is very important to make your reservations early so you won’t be disappointed and won’t be able to enjoy the zipline of your choice on the day you would like to go. It is no longer possible to wait until you arrive on island and then think that it will be a matter of simply giving us a call to make a booking. Please organize these weeks in advance.