Tom’s Tips – Oahu Dinner Cruises

Apr 5, 2019 | Activity Information

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So just so we all get the big picture, Honolulu/Waikiki is a big city. Everything that goes on there is on a grander scale than found on any of the outer islands. There are bigger buildings, bigger highways and lots more people. Given that, it is not too surprising that they would also have bigger dinner cruise boats there as well. One of these boats, which is also one of the most popular dinner cruise boats on the island, is the Star of Honolulu and it is 4 decks high and will hold as many as 1500 people. It might seem like too many people for you at first but in actuality it really isn’t. They provide a different type of service on each of the floors of the boat with different menus and different entertainment. When you realize it is divided up that way you understand that it is not as packed as you may have originally thought. Keep in mind that we also have smaller dinner cruise boats on the island as well that have capacities of 400 pax, 80, 49 and as few as 6 passengers. The 6 pax boats by the way can also just take the two of you for your own private romantic dinner. So we do have the full spectrum of sizes of boats for you to enjoy.